Thursday, July 03, 2014

The Not My Houseboat Blog Post...

I thought we might need a few more fish for a family gathering planned on the 4th so me and Cathy went to the lake this morning. We caught 18 catfish. It was a slow start as the fish had moved on from what we call the "Place" to a deep water pattern. The new place where the biggest ones were caught was a little stick up about the size of a drum stick that we call the "Toothpick," Got to have names for our spots.

On the return to the ramp this houseboat was tied up to the floating dock. I asked the guy how many grandchildren it would hold and he said "I'll be able to tell you on Sunday." 

It looks like a good weekend for the lake. Water is high, fish bite, and people friendly. 

The fish photo reflects a new law that took effect July 1st. It will change the way I do business. Used to I hauled the fish back from the lake alive in the livewell full of water, cleaned them alive and either cooked them or froze them quickly. Water was drained into my yard each time All this makes for a good tasting fish dinner I think but the new law states that because of the danger of spreading invasive species from lake to lake you must drain the livewell before leaving the lake. I don't like it but will be a good citizen and do it. I guess I'll do like this photo just carry ice and dump in in the live well for the ride home.   

This new law will not make me quit fishing in case you are worried. 

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