Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Big Slough Look Around...

Now we aint all about this concealed carry open carry business but when it get close to Thanksgiving or Christmas we don't mind grabbing up an old single shot shot gun and putting a duck on the holiday table. At least that's what we hope to do. To maybe make this a success me and Mary went on a Big Slough scout around. 

Mary wants to hunt this year. Mary kind of fell through the gaps as far as hunting went. Most of the other kids took to it one way or another but by the time Mary was old enough we just did other things or got too busy or something and she never went much. She is on it this year and has a licence, took hunter education, bought a bit of camo and will be using my old single shot 20 gauge.  That might be a laughable choice to some in the era of the 3.5 inch mag but I used it as a kid as did Rose and Morgan. It's killed some ducks. 

We had a bit of a set back on the scout around. The road was closed. It's still a good way to the big slough from here and I might know another way in but the sign says residents only $5000 fine. We turned around. That kind of fee would take some of the joy out hunting season before it gets started. 

Mary did get a bit of practice with a shot gun. 
Old iron bridge over a creek. I like a bridge. A sign of crossing over, breaking on through to the other side and stuff like that. This is a good one to mark a change in which side you are on. 

Looking down the Neches. I don't what the recent rain did to raise the water level but I like it low. Keeps the ducks on the creeks. I did not think but I had my hand held GPS with my hunting spots marked. With the river this low I think I could have paddled the canoe against this current should have checked how far up the river my favorite places are. 

IT's the start of the Davy Crockett Paddling trail. If you go down river the highway 7 bridge is 9.2 miles. Mary did not shoot the holes in this sign. 

This is the river bridge. I think they call it Anderson crossing. 



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