Sunday, January 14, 2018

My State of the Union...

It's time to make my state of the union address or more properly state of the blog. It this time of the year, January that I use two criteria to judge what's going on in the world and that's how many fish we caught last year and the annual report secular vs religious Christmas cards I received.

First, the fishing. We fished 17 times last year. That does not include ski/swimming trips where we did not fish. That does not seem like a whole lot just about 1.4 times a month. We caught 252 fish. That's down from 500 fish last year but if you run a knife down each side of the fish when you fillet and then most of those fillets were big enough to split again that a lot of pieces of fish.

I guess we were just not as mad at them this year but lot of stuff happened. Grandchildren born, outboard broke down and so on. We just had the one big fish fry last Mardi Gras and no plans exist for anymore fish fries at this time except when the kids are all here in a couple of weekends.

May be I need to set up a fish camp like this one I spotted near Pat's Seafood, Breaux Bridge, La.

This fish count brings us to the Christmas card count. You know by now how I do this. I simply go through the Christmas cards and look for religious imagery, wording or quotes of Bible verses and the card falls into the religious category. If you sent a picture of Frosty, Santa or your dog it falls into secular. I was pretty liberal, but you know that already and let some vague symbols pass. I was tempted to let some family picture cards pass because they were nice and small families with one child did conjure up a kind of Madonna type scene.  If your card had a word like peace or hope, definitely  Christian virtues it did not pass without another clear symbol of faith. I mean how many times have you stood over the chaos of gift opening screaming for peace? If any you get my drift. 

The final score was 26 secular to 12 religious. I hear a lot about putting Christ in Christmas. Here is an easy chance and some blow it. Looks like last years score was 26-15 secular winning. I got less cards this year. Maybe I was taken off some lists because of blog posts like this. I have not counted my presents to see if I got less of those also.  0

In final summery we come to the point that probably most Americans had a similar experience last year. We did not fish enough and we were all talk and no action on the religious side of things. May be we will make that sh**hole list of countries yet.  

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