Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Astros Win...

We caught the Astros Vs. White Sox earlier this year while in Chicago. It was a slug fest as the Astros score 10 runs. It was a little tighter last night against Tampa Bay as the hometown boys waited till the 9th inning to score the winning run for their 12th straight win.

Cathy poses for a photo outside the hometown digs. I always liked the Dome, I've seen the Astros play at Wrigley and after a couple of games in a row at Cominsky Park, which is about as non descript as I have seen in a baseball field Minute Maid is a fine place to see a game.

I don't know if they somehow vented the AC outside or if it was just a perfectly designed green space but outside the park with a little sprinkle it was pleasantly cool in the public gathering places under the cypress trees. 

We met John and Mari for the game. They scored great seats at a reduced price on Grupon. I decided my wife must have had some input on the seats as we were down first base line. She likes the guy that plays first with the pineapple haircut. She was sad later in the game when one of the strategic moves had him across the field playing third.  

Reminder to self, some of the eye black stuff due to the lights glare sitting down on the field. 

Celebrate a good win. 

Parking tip. Looks like you can get parking for 10-35 bucks depending on the lot you choose with some street parking available at the meters if you get there early enough. We paid $10 to park in the parking lot at a restaurant called Irma's. When you exit the lot the North 59 ramp is right there and you are headed home. As a plus they had a Beto for Senate  sign at the door. 




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