Friday, May 18, 2018

You Gonna Fish or Write Some Hoodoo Blues Song...

From the swampy looks of this fishing spot I might just have come up with a hoodoo blues song. All you need is a few words about mud, catfish, a woman with a skeeter hawk tattoo on her hip (wait a minute, Tony Joe White done used that) and laying down at the waters edge while it is on a steady rise. Make it an E, G, A progression and you will be good to go. We lazed around on the lake yesterday and I did not really write a song but we went into the water for a swim and caught 14 catfish. We could have kept a few more but with the warming weather we just wanted to make sure we were on the fish when Matt comes for a fishing visit this weekend.  

The bait store tried to sell us some minnows with a report that the crappie are biting at the 147 bridge pilings. They probably are but I typically don't do as well fishing when I try to chase what everybody else is doing. While in the store two guys leaving the lake stopped and reported the catfish had stopped biting when the wind calmed. We got to the lake there was a nice cooling breeze and they were biting. Fish bite all the time. Maybe not where you are at the moment but they bite somewhere. You just got to be there. 

Forecast says 92 tomorrow so we tried out one of our deep spots. There were a few fish there including this nice solid channel cat I caught. Feels kind of good to get my photo on the blog holding a fish for a change. 

Of course there are bird photos. 

Osprey perches on a stick up with a nest in the hazy distance. Not a whole lot of horizontal limbs left in the old dead standing timber to perch on.  

That's not bothering this fellow who is actually the same bird as the last photo. I wondered how many time I have taken the photos of the same birds that hang around my fishing areas. 

Back to that hoodoo thing. I caught three kinds of fish yesterday. Catfish of course, a bream and this gaspergou on a crappie jig. That should be called a Texas Three Toed Pete.  

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