Monday, June 18, 2018

Sights on the Lake...

We launched at Sandy Creek on Saturday for a cruise around the big end of the lake. It's a bit of an out of the way boat ramp but looks like it sees good fishing traffic. This part of the lake is a little different from the areas we usually hang out. 

Powell Park kid play area. I wanted to but noted no one my age on the inflatable water attractions so I took the high road and just anchored the boat offshore and swam on my own. 

From the sign sign everywhere a sign department. Must be something Trump put up. 

Actually it's a sign warning boaters to stay away from the dam. I would think such was not needed but I think there was an incident on an East Texas lake this spring where a boat ran over a concrete spill way so I guess it's a good idea. 

Lot of water held back by a lot of concrete. 

The mode of operation on this end of the lake seems to be find a beach, and there are plenty of them usually located below big wash out cliffs like this and pull your boat up for a swim. I would have to reimagine my catfish tactics. There are no stumps to tie up to around here. 

Just outside of the boat ramp cove at Sandy Creek we saw these old junk concrete culvert material piled up in a way that would make a good fish attractor if it was in the water. That may have been the original intent but the lake needs to be about 15' higher. I tried to figure out how these got here. I don't see any road access so I kind of expect they have been there awhile. Back in the day we used to find old roads that ran into the lake and they were great fishing structures. Erosion and tree growth have hidden all these type places. 

This tree fell in a perfect place to enhance this structure as a fishing spot. Probably loose a lot of lures. I hoped as I motored past there was not anymore of these things in the deeper water where I might find it with the foot of my outboard.

Cathy thought this cloud looked like a dragon. 

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