Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Sights on the Lake...

Took a canoe tip to the lake today for a little light tackle bream fishing. I caught 30 bream on beetle spins and short paddle tail crappie sliders. You know they say that the famous blues man Howlin' Wolf could eat 50 bream at a sitting. Good thing he won't be over tonight. 

It was a very good day and here are some of the sights. 

This little boat was tied up at the Hank's Creel boat dock this morning. Pretty cute and all rigged for fishing. 

Later after fishing in the campground cove I was headed out and this guy was headed in. My guess he was a camper. The campground dock is out of commission with a missing walk way section so he could not tie up there. 

How the lake looked at 7am. 

These fat boys wanted to play today. In addition to the 30 we kept I had quite a few throw backs. There are no restrictions on these fish but it does not hurt to let the little ones grow a bit. 

Of course an osprey watches it all. 

Blue heron fishes for the same thing I do. 

With a canoe you get up closer than when in the big boat. Not gonna swim in my belly. 

Here's supper. Soon to be swimming in my belly. 

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