Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Canoe Trip Lake Houston Wilderness Area...

Morgan and Ali are living in Kingwood now. That's a flat 2 hours from my house. Saturday morning I loaded the canoe and knocked on their door at 8am. We probably had the boat in the waters of Peach Creek at the near by Lake Houston Wilderness Area before 9am. 

Fishing was not great. We each caught one fish and Morgan hooked something that fought deep and threw the hook so a return visit is called for to see if we can pattern this body of water and find out what they want. 

No other boats on the water. Jets coming in to Intercontinental whined over head. There was a path that paralleled the creek and we caught occasionally caught sight through the jungle like foliage of a hiker, runner or biker. 

No pine trees. I really like the stands of some type of elephant ear plant lining the creek banks. We paddled a good long way toward the lake but never reached it. Seemed like all fish bites we had came up creek.   

Lot of steep banks indicating that this creek drains a good bit of water. Note all the leaners here. Next flood some of these will be in the water. 

I caught one small Kentucky Spotted bass. The part of the park we were in had nice roads and parking areas at trail heads. Very secluded for being so close to an area where millions live. Later we drove around and discovered primitive camping areas, a nature center with regular programs, cabins to rent around a small lake and group camping areas which look like might be a good place to gather our tribe sometime in the future. 

Spotted this step up on a little point between the junction of two creeks. There's a ladder, a street light, tarps on an incline to the water and rod holders stuck in the sand. A homemade slip and slide? With evidence of fishing maybe they catch big catfish and the tarps facilitate dragging the beast up the bank and the ladder is used to climb on his back to slay him. Help me here, I'm brain storming.   

The sandy banks are nice and while we did not swim the water, while not to clear felt cool. It seemed to be not too deep at this water level so a good place to sit and cool it. 

This shady photo is kind of dark but that's some kind of floats or buoy hung in a tree 20 feet above the surface of the creek. I'd say water comes through here forcibly at times. We saw signs of human owner objects such as coolers and once the shaft of a paddle embedded in a brush pile that looked too be swept to final resting places by water power.    

A nice place all in all with not too many visitors on a hot summer day. We will be back. 

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