Friday, October 26, 2018

Latest Vinyl Buys...

I ran into a friend Joe the other day and we were standing around, supposed to be helping with a church project. I spotted an old record tucked into a bookcase and commented I thought I had that. Joe, who helps out with the Joseph House thrift store said if I'm still buying vinyl they had some. Finishing up chores I headed over there. I picked up this stuff for a buck a record. 

At the top is a Readers Digest Box Set of hits from the early 30s. I have been collecting these and have several big band and swing collections from the 30s and 40s. Good packaging, superb recording and sound these were owned by folks that took care of  records. Unlike a lot of used records from certain eras this has not seen the inside of a dorm room or had weed shifted and rolled on it. Back in the day I would not have been caught dead being so square as to own some Readers Digest thing but now, especially bought in a thrift store I love them. Looks to be a 1989 issue and apparently these sets cover everything from opera to Elvis. I Gave $7.99 for the 7 records in the set and that's about the going price. 

On the left is Johnny Puleo and his Harmonica Gang. Johnny was born in 1903 and was an active performer from the late 30s to his death in 1983. This record looks to be some pop tunes, classical and marches. Johnny was a dwarf and a master of pantomime. Check this clip from the Milton Berle show. 

Next up is a couple of records that look to be some stone cold country. They are by Bill Nash and I say looks to be because they are sealed unopened records with nothing to indicate the date of production. Judging from the clothes it could be 70s-80s material. Recorded in Houston, Tx I have not decided on opening them just yet. It took a bit of looking but seems Bill was the first person to ever record a Kris Kristofferson song. Now a days Bill and his wife Kim seem to be performing gospel and patriotic material and I bet he is not covering some of this early stuff like "Two Drinks From Forgetting" and "Funky Hoedown." That's ok. I'm not covering some of my early stuff either. 

I think I will bust into these records.  And by the way don't bother with the vinyl at the Joseph House Thrift Store. I hear it's pretty picked over.  



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