Tuesday, October 06, 2020

What Do They Tell Their Children?...

They kind of look like something you might see at Christmas. Brightly colored, a something you might point out to a child and say look, look. They are all around the woods, neon energy drink cans you would think that with the promises some of these drinks make of increased pep and cognition that people would think to dispose of them properly. They don't and that aint all that's out there. I would hate to explain to a child why I was dumping in the woods. 

So what does a person who dumps in the woods tell their children? What do they tell them about anything? What do the tell them about God, relationships, family, nature, education and so on? I would think that somewhere in the discussion of these topics which are pillars of our world as we know it that the topic of throwing stuff in the woods would eventually come up.  

I know from my own experience that sooner or later on a family picnic a child throws a trash item on the ground because at that time they do not know what to do with it. That's your time to work on all those items listed in the last paragraph. Take your pick. You should be able to work them all in. 

Here's a nice spread, a bird bath base and a coffee maker laid in the dappled sunlight. Now I have trash pick up even though I'm outside the city there are services are available for a fee. Recycle can be hauled to the city of Lufkin or about 4 miles down the road from me my garbage service has recycle available. Five bucks lets you dump a pick up truck load at the city dump. I will admit some things are a bit hard to get rid of such as non working appliances so you need to ask yourself before you dump, "am I trying hard enough?" 

Hi-Fi Stereo? Isn't that an oxymoron? Is there such a thing? Are your ears educated enough to tell the difference? I'm afraid what a future generation will even think about us when they find this.    

Ok and the grand finale. The king's throne. Makes you wonder where he is holding court these days. I can imagine a child asking, "daddy, what did you do with the toilet?" Got your explanation ready? 

When cool fall and spring days come I walk for exercise on a sand road near my house. It's where I saw all these items. It's private land and I have no idea who the owners are.  

I must add a disclaimer. After a fishing trip, when I have cleaned the catch I dump the carcasses in this area. For any amount under 50 carcasses it takes the East Texas Hygiene Committee, a loose federation of racoons, possums, foxes, skunks, coyotes, buzzards, fire ants and possibility a Sasquatch or two about 24 hours to make sure I have left no trace. If it's over 50 it might take about 36 hours. I know because I go and check the federation is holding up it's end of the deal. If they don't I'll think of something else.. 

Maybe someone will take a child and say "let's se if that toilet has decomposed yet."      


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