Getting it together after Rita...
First story is that what we thought were going to be 150 nursing home patients that would be coming to our church, St. Patrick's, turned into 800 people on buses and in cars. Me and Cathy along with Morgan and Mary, Rose, ( the kids really did great) who evacuated with he husband Juan from Lake Jackson and maybe about 50 to 100 other volunteers did their best to make these folks at home.
It was an experience, let's just say it was a good chance to live your faith. The people we housed were great, doing their best to keep the church, the halls and the grounds clean. Disaster leaves a lot of cardboard. Here is a picture of my truck after a visit to FEMA headqu

We had some distinguished visitors. The Lt. Governer of Texas (forget his name, I didn't vote for him) and a State legislators by the name of Todd Staples. As far as I know they just were there to get their picture made, they brought their own camera people and please correct me if I am wrong but they made no difference what so ever. I did notice they were a lot cleaner than everyone else. In the picture you see the Lt. Gov. and Mr. Staples with his back turned both dressed in blue shirts. I think my friends Nicie and Rosey are asking the hard question, Cowboys or Texans. Must have given the right answer as far as

After five days at St Pat's the folks left for better facilities in Texerkana. It was heart breaking for some of them to still be on the road and moving further away from home.
Lost one sheet of roofing off my house and some flashing torn loose.

Also one cedar tree.

Also had three tests at school this week, made 88, 89 and a 90. Not bad for studying by flashlight.
If I have left anything out, well you just had to be there, I'll look for ya'll at the next disaster.