Blogs are cool right now... China. Good topic for an election day, they think the net is going to bust China open, lots of free thought being shared on blogs right now over there. So a report I heard today says.
They are talking about politics, but in the report they profiled the typical Chinese blogger and it was a young, single, educated, urban dwelling woman who listens to popular music while posting late at night. . I assure you I am none of those things contrary to what you here about who may be at the other end of the keyboard on the net. This paticular woman had a blog for a year and had 10,000 site visits. Ok, you guys need to get busy and sorry I do not have a link to her blog. On occasion I visit a couple of blogs, and
In case you are wondering what my end of the internet looks like, well here is a shot.
They are talking about politics, but in the report they profiled the typical Chinese blogger and it was a young, single, educated, urban dwelling woman who listens to popular music while posting late at night. . I assure you I am none of those things contrary to what you here about who may be at the other end of the keyboard on the net. This paticular woman had a blog for a year and had 10,000 site visits. Ok, you guys need to get busy and sorry I do not have a link to her blog. On occasion I visit a couple of blogs, and
In case you are wondering what my end of the internet looks like, well here is a shot.

Hey Dad I LOVE POSTSECRET I check it every Monday
Oh yeah meant to say in that last should visit
Post secret is maybe the best blog neighbor I have, most are pretty boring, they are like about people's lives, wait that's what this is about...
What's with the pistol? Zat how you keep the computer in line - kind of an Elvis thing?
The internet is a dangrous place and so are the people you meet.
Wish you could see the hot sauce better.
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