Friday, March 10, 2006

Coulda slept later...

Because I don't have early classes today, but I still woke up early. I know what it is, two things, I am either an old man or I wake up when the amount of caffeine injested yesterday wears off and it's time to start getting more.

What ever it's a fine morning with a white bass are biting feel. In another life I was on the lake this day, but it's different now, a course called nursing Spanish calls me today, and I find it good to have many lives, I'm different things at differen times, you think you know me, you just see me.

The times change, if I went and caught a bunch of wite bass, they got an advisory on them anyway, you can only eat so many white bass, stripers and gaspargou before the mercury messes up your brain and I need to hold what I got for just a few more semesters.

It's spring break, I'm going to cool the brain a couple of days, if I can I'll post, but I'm gone. I may take a book, looking at the next test they hit hard and fast after spring break, but I am going to try not to worry about it and stuff till Sunday. That seems like an eternity without studying, I worry all those gaspergou eaten in another life will make me forget things, but I know I'll have some dead time, especially early when I wake before all others and am all alone.

Be back with good pictures I hope.


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