Saturday, November 25, 2006

Panthers Save Christmas...

Now you know I bleed Panther Purple. I could not make it to the game today and I don't think I could have faced it like a man, I know the Panther Hat could not face it, I would have had to turn him around backwards. Best I could do was listen at home where no one could see or hear the snot slinging, screaming hair pulling defecating pain I was in. My fault, the loss, bound to be. I just spent too much energy pulling the Ags through yesterday.

The upside, and all things have an upside. Ever wonder if you can really determine what is a good or a bad thing? I mean when considering the whole scope of the universe. Ever wonder why we do that in this space, consider the whole scope of the universe? I do too. The upside is that my life will be somewhat easier, No more taking Mary to catch the band bus to games, picking her up late at night and we can have Christmas as planned and so on. Maybe squeeze in a few more duck hunts, or fish. The cats bit pretty well last Christmas break.

That was a good team the Panthers played today, that is the second upset they have pulled. Somedays you just come to play and everything reasonable is out the door.


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