Friday, December 15, 2006

School is out...

Finished up the lab final, combined grade with the written final is an 86. My patient was CVA, spastic LE, flaccid UE, poor dynamic stand balance UE unsupported, oh heck, I'll spare you the details. Despite the B I thought my treatment went about like it goes in the hospital with these type patients, meaning that we will take what we learned today, both of us and get better tomorrow.

With school at an end I have that same feeling I have felt before after I crawled out of a couple of car wrecks, after I sat down on a Bourbon St. curb and noticed the glittering night was turning to day and after setting foot back on the boat ramp after a rough, windy, wavy day at the lake when it was really too bad to go fishing. That's the feeling that I am ok, I survived and what do I do now?

Well, the first thing I did was paint the water tower near my house. We do this from time to time and I have been to busy to engage in vandalism lately so I have some catching up to do.

Got to running behind on our scheduling yesterday during the exam, I was about an hour later than I expected but I made it to the taekwondo Christmas party anyway. Here is a shot of the food line.

Here is a goof shot of me and Mary reflected in the glass at the Hope Center where the party was held. It turns into a mirror at night. You can see car lights in the parking lot shining through the glass and the hallway is also a reflection. That is the remains of a briskett to the left of Mary's shoulder.

Another thing for the holidays, seems I haven't been too coherent in this space lately, lots of errors, not factual of course, just grammar stuff. Been in too much of a hurry trying to get the news out. I'll do better now.


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