Friday, February 02, 2007

Too many words...

That's what someone told me. You regular readers here would never guess that. That statement was clarified as too many words in the morning for someone who is not a morning person. Since I am married to someone who is not a morning person and have been married for quite some time now you would think I would deal with these type dangers a little better. I guess it helps that my morning person works nights so I only spent about 14 actual true mornings a month with her.

I don't know what gets me going so early. Maybe it's the night screaming. That wordless expression of my mid age angest that leaves me physically exhausted and raw throated. So it seems anyway. Whatever, maybe I am just ready to be out of school. Tired of waking up a raw nerve. I do know from neuro last semester that there are a couple of brain systems that control alert and resting comfortably.

You got the descending reticular system. You lay down, get comfy and boom you are asleep. Little bunches of tissue that look like boogers and snot strings say everything is safe and ok, let your guard down. Then there is another system, looks about the same if we could lay it out on the table and we will call it the RAS. It's the part that hears something in the night and makes you come alert and see about it or it will tell you that was just the ice maker dumping and you can go back to sleep. That's the part out of whack on me.

When I wake the RAS kicks into high gear, it may be a caveman RAS that tells me there are wild things about, it does not say you still have some sleep time. It is saying go, go, go!

So off I go, right or wrong, good and bad, generally irritating the heck out of everybody. Does the RAS make you play the tuba?



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