Browsing a French Quarter antique shop and looking at old black and white prints I had the idea to make some pictures in the French
Quarter, perform some computer
wizardry, and come up with some shots from another age. Did not really make a
difference, but here are the shots.
Upstairs over a belly dancing shop I like to visit in the French Quarter.

Nice looking here, maybe I should have made a picture of the other end of the block where there were some windows lacking glass. For some reason the belly dancing shop did not seem the same. They had some nice African shirts, which in another day and age I might have bought, but with some much war, famine and disease on that continent it just did not seem right for a big
ol white man like me to be tooling around in one of those. Even if I
don't wear the shirt, I'll keep doing what I can.
A few blocks from the French Quarter

we came upon a
historical marker that proclaimed this house to have once been the home of the father of legendary Voodoo queen Marie
Leveau. Built 1817-1833 I think the sign said.
Bywater BBQ.

I had a nice brunch of fried egg plant topped with
holliandise sauce and poached eggs. Very yummy. The
humvee in the foreground belonged to a couple of
GIs and one of New Orleans finest who stopped in to eat while taking a break from patrol. At least I think they were what they appeared, it was a pretty trendy place. There was one guy in there dressed as a cowboy, but his chaps looked a little to new to me.
I wanted to get my picture made sitting in the humvee, but they had guns. Kind of hard explaining the blog thing to armed people, heck it's kind of hard explaining it to unarmed people sometimes.
These markings were

on a lot of the houses in the neighborhood where we stayed. I assume at one time maybe all of them. Since the visit I have discovered that the top of the x is the date searched, the sides is the unit that searched and in the bottom of the x you could find the number of dead in the house. I can't recall any notation of dead where we were, I don't think there was any bad flooding. Wish I would have had a car. I would have visited the destroyed areas.
Still a lot of clean up even in areas not hit too hard. Here was a pig right in the middle of a remodeling job. Luck he did not get
et when food was short round here.

As we watched this pig we could here warm up scales being played in the band hall of the high school across the street.

On the way home they let me sit on the wing. They will do that you know, if you ask. Just explain the blog thing.