There pictures are from yesterdays trip.

Mary scored first with an unusual catch. She hung a rod and reel and pulled it up. This is in one of the river edge places we have caught a lot of fish at through the winter except with the south wind we are on the opposite side of the stump than usual. Stopped up with sand a little lavage with the water hose and a good soaking with Liquid Wrench (gratuitous product placement) and it casts just fine. Line is a bit tangled so some of my favorite brand (Cajun Line) and it should work well and be soon pressed into service. Reel was a Shakespeare spin cast, heavy duty, we have several like this that have held up well to the rigors of cat fishing.

Pop really pulled his share on the way to 23 keepers. Note Geneva's foot in the back ground. She wore hair protection for her new perm and I saw no reason to picture that apparatus here and possible
embarrass my favorite mother in law unless she caught a real big catfish or lost her trousers in the lake or something like that.

Conditions were choppy and water levels low. Here's Captain Carl at the command center.
A disturbing development on the swimming in our bellies department is that I have been sneezing my head off while cooking fish lately. Started at the last big fish fry.Last night I had a frying skillet going, a blackened fish skillet and a pot boiling some gulf shrimp provided by Pop and Geneva. Lots of smoking spices. The sneezing stopped after I finished eating. Maybe next time I won't blacken fish to see how it goes, a
science experiment, take away an event and see if the results are the same.
Labels: catfish, pants, swimming in my belly, trousers