In this photo me and Mary take part in a historical re-enactment of a situation you may not be aware of. Post Civil War, when the occupying armies withdrew from New Orleans, like a lot of occupying armies they left stuff behind. In this case it included the instruments used by military brass bands. These instruments fell into the hands of former slaves and pop music as we know it was born.
No, really it's the
Lufkin High School Band Alumni Concert, a day of visiting, rehearsing and an evening of playing a concert. Look at the picture. Is that person barely in the picture holding their ears? I like to think may be just answering a cell phone call, hard to tell. Standing right there with tuba and cymbals blasting away must have been set to

Grand old man of
Lufkin Bands,
Waymon Bullock. One of the top music educators, band directors, and just great guys in the world. My high school band director, he puts the band through the paces at rehearsal.

One of the photos from the
historical display,
donated by Lowell Clark, another band director
product of
Lufkin taken at Lowell's 2003 birthday. It's a reunion of 1953-54
Lufkin band students including my late Uncle Bill Wallace standing next to Bullock on the right. Lowell is on the left, he played at the reunion concert. One of the things folks stressed again and again yesterday was the family and friend connections made through participation in band.

One of my old high school buddies, Ken (no last names he recently moved to a new job, don't want to mess him up with the new boss if he gets the old Google) we hung out a lot and he told me he has been visiting this site. We were together before the word
bromance was coined. Ken, you know about the $39,000 fee, correct? Not for
bromancing, for getting your picture here. Ken's dad was there last night with many stories to tell of our
mischievous high school days. My mom was there also and she said she don't remember us hanging out together. Get your stories
straight guys, we did.
Anyway, it was a great time and I'll get some more pictures up later. I already have Face book emails of of a couple of shots I am tagged in this morning so if you do that thing, check it out.
Labels: $39, 000, band, bromance, Carl, drums, music, tuba