Friday, August 02, 2013

Build #10 and an Amp...

Here is box guitar build #10. Also pictured is my first amp build. 

The guitar body is a tin cigar box I picked up at a roadside storage building sale. I guess that's what it's called. There is a little row of storage units and people open them up and have little junk shops inside. I found this Little Tom cigar tin. It looks to date from the 1920s and it shows it's age a bit. Look around on the net and you can find some pretty clean tins like this for not much more than I paid and I got it cheap.

I got a little bold on this headstock design. I don't think I'll use poplar again at least not until the weather cools off. Seems like cutting and sanding was a sweaty job. Maybe I'll just use poplar for the simple stuff and pine and ceder for jobs that require more cutting as they are softer. 

Here's a closer look at the tin and the amp. More on the amp in a minute. On the tin there are no health warnings. This is from the days when stuff was not bad for you I am sure. I can imagine Little Tom sitting in a warehouse rolling, packing and smoking these things everyday. It does note on the side of the box that cigars contained herein are not to retail for more than 5 cents and $0 tax. 

This is my first amp build. It's a little three inch speaker and a 2.5 watt circuit board and runs on a 9 volt battery. Note the red LED light in the corner. The leads to the board I soldered the light, speaker and jack. I tried several guitars, cigar and non-cigar and this new build which has a disc peizo is the loudest one. The circuit board has a trim pot which can be turned up or down and with this guitar I had to turn it down as it was too nasty. 

So how does this sound? I recorded an old Lefty Frizzell tune, Long Black Veil as an example. Lefty recorded this tune in 1959. It was not his usual fare but he was trying to cash in on the great folk scare of the time. I don't expect to cash in on this but thanks for listening to my guitars.   Posted by Picasa



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