Friday, November 21, 2014

More Cigar Box Guitars and the Bass Tuner Jinx...

Here are two more cigar box guitars. I am trying to get some made up and in stock. I have been doing pretty good selling lately and though I don't encourage you to Black Friday me I did do well during last year's Christmas season so I am trying to be ready. Besides I do have the curse of the bass tuner to overcome.

Guitar on the right is pretty standard. Nice ceder box with piezo pickup but a little different tuning. It's tuned low to high B-E-G# which is still E but kind of gives the possibility of a low down greasy chord minus the third on the top two strings but you with the choice to throw in that happy major third when you want it. Good acoustic sound and a dirty powerful sound through the battery powered amps. Have not tried it through the big amps since Cathy is working on church music this afternoon (likes quiet while doing this) and has already endured an hours worth of tuba playing. 
Headstock is a bit more primitive than normal. I usually buy tuners in a six pack three left three right. For some reason they are all the same side in this package.  

Here's an experimental model. It started out to be a one string with an open sound hole. The inside of the box was more striking than the outside. Along the way it developed to a resonator of sorts. maybe I'll get a bit better at centering the string as I make more of these. 

The curse of the bass tuner. Sometime in the past year I bought 4 bass guitar tuners at a cost of $16 bucks for a set. I used two to make a two string bass which is still hanging in Sound Techs Music Store unsold. This is the second one string I have made with these nice bass tuners and it will probably remain unsold also. Guess I am just going to have to play these things myself. I have not tried this one string through a big amp but I have a bit of a feeling it will be a romping stomping buffalo herd imitator if you use a fuzz pedal.  Plays surprisingly well if you are doing the kind of thing I do. 

I can't seem to find much about King Albert. I am guessing a 1960s box. This was the inside. It's no problem to take an inside that is more attractive than the out side and flip it around. 

I'll sell the Presado box for $65 bucks since I did not put box corners or anything like that on it. If ya need a one string make me an offer. 



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