Sunday, August 30, 2015


Last night was Mary's sister in law Selena's Quinceanera. If you don't know the custom quinceanera is a celebration held at age 15 marking the transition from childhood or young womanhood and full participation of all the responsibilities of religion, family and social responsibility. Here's a photo at the Mass which was celebrated by Father Raymundo. 

A lot goes into decorating for a Quinceanera.

Here are the table decorations 

Food is good at a Quinceanera. Mary made a lot of these treats. Lupe cooked the brisket and it was melt in your mouth tender. At a Quinceanera friends and family all pitch in together to put it on. 

Not sure how it was decided to be a masquerade. I don't think that's a traditional part but it makes a party fun when no one knows who you are.  

Some people just know where to put a feather. 

Here is the Zamoras, Mary's inlaws. We played the music for the Mass and we also played the music for Crystal's Quinceanera Mass. In a few years the youngest Ashley will have a Quienceanera and  we will play for it. Maybe we will get to do some music for their weddings. I might be able to make a whole career playing music for different events the Zamora girls are involved in. 

A touching moment, Don Miguel dances with his daughter. If you recall almost two years ago Miguel had a devastating stroke. He has come a long way. As a Physical Therapist Assistant I often rehab stroke patients so I have much experience in this area. I don't think I have ever seen a man give a stroke a good butt kicking like Miguel has given the one he had. He's a tough guy. 

Traditional dances with the boys who are called chambelanes. 

Then there was not so traditional dancing for the rest of us. 

Some people got tired at the Quinceanera. It's excusable. Mary was an engine of energy decorating, cooking, dancing and singing in the choir for Mass. I think she did a bit of it all to make it happen. 


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