Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Turtle Rescue Society...

There are no membership dues and no meetings of the Turtle Rescue Society. Al you have to do is rescue a turtle. When it's spring time in East Texas the turtles come out. They crawl across rural farm to market roads in search of the things that make life good like food, water, shelter and the friendship of other turtles. Only bad thing about this is that there are humans driving automobiles up and down these roads and they are also in search of food, water, shelter and friendships and who knows what else because while humans are distracted by all these things they often don't notice the ancient beast whose ancestors crawled this same path long before humans decided to bisect it with there business. That's why you need to be a member of this great society because when humans don't see a turtle crawling across the road as they flash along at their business it's bad for the turtle. 

There is not a handbook to go by. Does not matter who you voted (it matters but not when it comes to rescuing turtles) for in the primary. Just stop and get the turtle off the road. He won't get run over by a speeding car. Turtle shell is hard, but not that hard. On a recent grandkid visit we rescued a turtle near our house. We took it with us over to Mary's house. Mary is the turtle society turtle expert. She knows stuff about turtles because she keeps one as a pet in a nice little turtle environment built at her home. It's a happy turtle. It eats from her hand and occasionally lays an egg. Since the eggs don't hatch because there is not a boy turtle currently in the picture we thought we might introduce the two. It's not a match because Mary said our turtle is a water turtle. 

We headed over to a park with a creek running through it. On an access road to the creek we performed our second turtle rescue of the day. It's the big one on the right. Old little bit on the left was the one from near our house. I can only assume they lived happily ever after because as they crawled to the creek I went on doing what humans do, the relentless food, water, shelter, friendship thing.  

Same picture, with Mary looking and the kids not looking. 

Join today! 


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