Friday, August 18, 2017

Ok This Solves Everything...

The other day I stopped in to what woman pleasing singer songwriter Shiny Ribs calls "The Po People's Sto." It's got all the stuff you need to make life comfortable like extension chords, disposable batteries and cheap toilet paper. And the great thing is that usually there are two of these stores, different brands, different vibes right across the street from each other. Some kind of competition thing but what the hey why not stop at both of them?

At my recent stop in I spotted this item on the isle of various remedy type products. I can't help but note that it's right there by something called Focus and down on the lower shelf you can grab a six pack of Boost.  Now to quote or maybe paraphrase another notable singer songwriter, Jason Isbell, I don't drink likker or keep beer or wine here and that job with the county "keeps me pissing clear" I am not needing this product. Thankfully for those that do need such as opposed to the cost of most health care services this one is cheap at $1 per test. I think my investigative reporting skills are slipping because I should have checked the other end cap to see if maybe a test for a different drug hung there.     

Now if this sells for a buck capitalist economics or any economics for that matter tells me that it costs very little to produce. The difference in those two figures is called profit and given that  marijuana is completely legal in some states and decriminalized in many more (better heads than me are welcome to provide the statics in the comments section) I'd say this is a short term business opportunity. 

I can't endorse marijuana use. I see it as kind of like fried catfish. Not really bad for you but too much can certainly cause problems and if you know me very well at all I keep a catfish jones on that requires my full attention and after all weed is illegal here.

My thoughts on the legal thing is that here in Texas there is a market for drug testing yourself. In some states right now as folks stopped in the store for their weekend fun just like I stopped and bought a shave ice on the way home from work. Down in Louisiana in a bend of the Mississippi River on the site of the old Angola Plantation is Angola Prison. For those locked up there things have not changed very much at all since the plantation days and there is a bunch of old boys locked up for the same thing that other states have pronounced legal. That's the real crime just like selling a $1 drug test that is legal but somehow is taking an vantage of people who end up paying dearly for everything. 

Let's listen to the guys sing. 





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