Wednesday, August 15, 2018

I'm Voting for Beto...

In November I'll be voting for Beto O'Rourke. If you know me you probably knew that already and I have the sign in the yard and the bumper sticker on the car.  I had an invite this past weekend to hear Beto speak at a private fundraising brunch. Later that afternoon he spoke at a public rally in Nacogdoches. I like his message. 

This message is old school LBJ Democrat and in fact he invoked Lyndon at several turns. Sure LBJ was a complicated man. He passed some great social legislation but he screwed up a war. He's definitely of the school that we see too much of in that there is bad to be taken with the good. There is a lot of good in Beto's plans. He talks about working together, Democrats and Republicans. It's gonna take everyone at the table. He speaks of fiscal conservatism when we spend money to solve problems. He speaks of addressing healthcare, mental health and immigration in ways that add to our economy. I think we all agree on that this is important. 

Here's a photo of about a third of the folks at the gathering this weekend. You can just see me and Cathy in the back. 

It was a kindergarten friend that invited me here and I saw a couple of more old high school friends. One leaned in to me and said "it does my heart good to see so many elderly southern white males supporting a Democrat." While there is always room to change your mind I think a good many in this room were young Democrats once. It's just a time for them to be out in force.    



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