Friday, December 07, 2018

Brazoria Wildlife Refuge...

On our recent visit to Lake Jackson w took a drive through the Brazoria Wildlife Refuge. Established in 1966 it provides habit for migrating and costal birds. Hunting and fishing are allowed. 

Here's a big flock of Canada geese. There were also big flocks of mallards. I usually duck hunt in the woods of the Big Slough Wilderness Area and while there are usually plenty of wood ducks it's been years since I saw a mallard in that area. With the rain we are getting I have been a little cautious thinking I might get stuck if I hunt my favorite places so this bird watching was good for the soul.  

Sandhill cranes. There is a season to hunt these and not knowing much about this bird I wondered why. It's because they are good to eat. Some call them rib eye in the sky. 

This body of water, also called Big Slough winds through the costal marsh and is fresh water. There were some places where on one side of the road was fresh water habitat and other side salt water. 

Swamp creatures overlook Bastrop Bayou. Seems from fishing reports I read you might catch most anything, bass, specs, gar, catfish, mullet and more from this bayou. Judging from State of Texas water quality reports the bacteria counts here are often higher than recommended for contact recreation.  They have a web site to keep everyone up to date with the conditions and to urge all to check septic systems, control pet waste, keep livestock out of the water by providing shade and cut down agricultural run off.   

Nice places. Let's try to keep them nice. 

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