Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Good rain this morning, we got thirsty plants around here needing it bad before the real heat of summer starts. I am lucky to get a walk from school today so I am not driving in it.

The walk was unexpected, seems that my instructor's daughter, who is pregnant with twins took a fall and sprained her ankle. Her mom stood it as long as she could and finely had to go see about her. The end of the semester is starting to get a little crazy, maybe more so for the teacher than the students and this is one more thing to stir in the pot. We are one instructor short this semester, which is not too bad considering that the graduating class is in clinical all semester. There are no prospects for hiring right now, too much of a pay cut to teach over what a PT or PTA can make. I don't know if there will be a freshman class next fall unless the position is filled.

Back to the rain, I'm glad, it will help me focus on study, make the knowledge grow like new grass in my brain. If it was a nice day I'd sure be thinking about tossing a spinner bait up among old cypress trees. This rain will be like money in the bank for better fishing later this spring and summer while I put money in my bank for the 11 tests I have starting next week.

And that brings us with the problem with putting stuff in the brain bank. It has always been interesting to me that it is said the brain soaks up everything. The only problem is making a withdrawal, you know bankers hours, can't get it out right now. For example the ankle tattoo I saw on a young woman walking across campus the other day. Now you know that my brain, like the razor sharp instrument of reason and and intelligence it is, soaked up the intricate design, and if hooked to a copier, ( there is an idea but I can't spend that much time on the computer today)) could reproduce it. What I remember though is thinking and this is what my brain can withdraw is these words of advice I would give this young lady:

If you get a leg tattoo, please commit yourself to wearing exotic shoes, for my sake and yours. Those $2.98 white canvas dollar store bargains, made in Viet Nan, speading out from the sweat shops and shodding the feet of millions world wide just don't go with leg tattoos. That image burned to my brain those, white white cheap shoes. I guess there is still hope for that young lady because the older you will get...


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