Friday, November 03, 2006

Miles and miles...

Owned my little Scion for about one year now and am closing on 40,000 miles of diving in that time period. That's 1200-1300 gallons of gas if you figure in about 30-34 miles per gallon which is what I usually get. Man I am tired of driving. So tridI think on my day off today I will drive down to the Panther game in Magnolia.

Along with fuel consumed I have intaked 139 gallons of Red Bull and other assorted energy drinks. I think a Red Bull can add 5-7 points to your test score if you drink one right before the exam. I have afternoon classes this semester and from my grades the Red Bull I had that morning has worn off by then. Of course intake of 139 gallons of Red Bull means an outflow of 13,900 gallons of urine. This has overwhelmed sewer systems between Nacogdoches and Kilgore. There have been reports of strange glows from settling tanks and piping that is unexplainable hot to the touch at these locations.

Recently there was a warning in the Lufkin paper about abuse of these drinks. They failed to mention that consumption of Red Bull coupled with Red Man chewing tobacco turns you into a bright shiny superior being. They don't want people to know that, especially deer hunters on the eve of the opening of deer season. The woods will turn toxic with all the spitting and urinating. It will distract the Homeland security boys from more important business if they have to start rounding up these abusers. That article also made it sound like there was only young people abusing these drinks. As an old guy really made me feel like some kind of addict and that I needed to hide my use from my peers. That is effectively done by writing about it here.

Actually I have tried to detox a bit from the Red Bull. Substituted a glass of tea on the way to school and so forth. It is really only a caffeine habit. I drink instant coffee. Three spoons in a cup, packet of sweetener, milk and a shot of water right from the faucet. It has crossed my mind to use a bowl and just make a little pudding of the instant granules and eat it. That way I get the caffeine and have a bit of breakfast at the same time. You could even mix it in a little baggie to take in the car, tear off a corner while driving and suck out the contents kind of like some special astronaut food.

I better go study, I am too full of good ideas this morning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop the caffine Dad...Travis and I don't consume any and we are young people. I don't want you to be a jittering mess when you are 80. Love you all and looking forward to see you soon!

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a mittering jess now.

You know how it is:
the older you will get...

9:57 AM  

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