I get home shortly afte lunch time yesterday. A message on the phone, it's my neighbor. She says, "your little dog, we call him Spot, is at my dads shop, you can come get him or I will bring him home."
Her dad's shop is Bobby Jones Air Conditioning. By my estimate that's at least 7 miles from the house. Talk about momentary facts of the world as we know it reorganization, I think how did this little dog get there? I grab the phone and call the shop. Bobby happens to be the guy I bought this old house I live in from. I get a female, not Bobby's daughter Robby, who is on her way home, and this person fills in some facts. Looks like Robby's son Zack about 16-17 or so has set out on a bike to the shop and El Guapo followed. He has entertained the shop and all are impressed at the distance this little dog has covered. They call him Spot for the spot you can see in the picture.

Any way Robby soon pulls up, she has a pretty new sporty ride of some type, El Guapo travels in style, and they hand him out the window. As I grab him out the car window I can feel from his muscle tone how tired he is. He takes a big nap. I thank them. El Guapo sleeps away the afternoon, he is tuckered out.
After a while, Bobby Jones himself, the owner of the shop shows up next door (big past time, watching the neighbors) and looks like there is some type of repairs going on to that house. Bobby is handy repairing stuff, I have hired him a few times myself. El Guapo stirs from his nap at the sound of the voices carrying across the field. He heads over there to see Bobby again.
This is what I suspect. Bobby Jones can often be seen at Pete's Place, see the link on the side bar, Bobby has an ad for his shop under the acrylic table tops at Pete's and he took El Guapo to lunch at Pete's. That is why El Guapo headed down soon as he heard Bobby's voice, he thought they were going to supper.
I left for the TKD colored belt testing and they were back by the time I got home.
Labels: El Guapo