Featuring Fiddle Players...
Renaissance Characters...
There is always a Renaissance of some sort in the wind but yesterday we took the show on the road and all met up with Mary, Miguel and Morgan at the Texas Renaissance Festival for a little fun with costumes. Here's Mary, Miguel and Cathy.
Mary and Cathy. Mary is a forest creature of some kind.
Miguel endured more than a few jokes about his horns.
Cathy is the black to my white.
Mr. Horny and Man servant Morgan consult on the new middle ages.
Took a lot of photos of the performers at the fest and I'll be posting them the next few days.
Build #15 is French Quarter Red...
Just in Time for the Christmas Rush...
Update on my String Ray Injury...
If you are a follower here you know I was stung by a sting ray a little more than 9 weeks ago. I think I am well. Here's a photo of my foot and for the first time since the sting happened there is no sign of drainage.
The dressing you see is a fexzan foam dressing. It's peeling up a bit but that's because I have had it on for 24 hours. In the past weeks I have sometimes kept the dressing on for 3-5 days as long as it remained intact. The hole it covered was about the depth and width of a cotton q-tip head and that's in all directions. It was a pretty fluffy and wide q-tip. The wound is basically all filled in from the bottom of the wound bed with only a slight indentation in the outer layer of skin which might grow back thick enough to leave no scar.
Flexzan is a dressing described on their web sight as "sterile, ultra-thin, highly conformable, semi-occlusive polyurethane foam adhesive dressing that protects wounds from exogenous contamination and trauma while maintaining a moist wound healing environment.
Flexzan® is constructed of an open cell foam with a closed cell outer surface. Excess wound moisture is absorbed into the cells of the foam and allowed to evaporate through the outer surface, helping prevent fluid accumulation under the dressing.
Flexzan® should not be used on third degree burns or on wounds showing clinical signs of infection."
I used no medicine of any kind on this wound other than the standard antibiotics for a string ray sting. The flexzan lets the wound environment stay optimal so the body heals it's self. You can buy this stuff on the internet but I don't recommend you try this at home. It's not a one size fits all treatment and may not be as suitable for your wound as it was for mine. The main tenet of wound care is if what you do don't work, something else is needed. I do recommend you go to your doctor for help as wounds are complex and don't always heal and if I needed hospitalization I'd go to Woodland Heights Medical Center. When I worked there I had some great mentors that perform the wound care for that facility and the things they taught me have been invaluable.
Some one called my wife this week and asked how my foot was. She told them "It's fine, he's already on to the next thing," meaning crashing into a deer as I did last Saturday night. It's heck getting old and not getting out of the way as fast as you used to when danger presents. 
Labels: PTA
Killed My First Deer...
I know it seems kind of remiss for this born and raised East Texan to never have accomplished such a feat but I managed to open deer season last night using my trusty Toyoda Scion to bring down the most sought after of Texas game animals.
I was outside Groveton on my way back from the Stonewall Studio October Jam Fest which is a benefit with proceeds going for purchase of Thanksgiving Dinner for MD Anderson Children's Cancer Center when I notice the approaching car slowing down. I slowed and saw what must have been one of several deer crossing in front of that car. As we almost passed a final deer dashed between us and I did a number on him. Lucky I slowed. It was still unlucky for the deer. From the photo you can note the splatters on my car.
At this point damage seems minimal. A small dent at the edge of the hood. I think I can straighten it. A quick internet search shows that I can get an unpainted grill for about $40 plus shipping.
I stopped at the first car wash I saw when I entered Lufkin. I regret I was not able to patronize my favorite wash owned by my friend GW in Garrison, Tx. In a shameless plug for the local business man, even if I could not Stop at The Dog Gone Car wash, you still can.
Hauled This to the Dump Last Week...
I hauled this little lawn mower trailer overflowing with old Taekwondo trophies to the dump last week. They were things me, my wife, Morgan and Mary had won at competitions dating back as far as 1999. It's about half of the amount I have thrown away and there are still odds and ends such a pendant medals and a few trophies tucked here and there around the house.
Some of the trophies won at world TKD tournaments stood waist high to me. That was from the good old days when school owners tried to one up each other with their trophy size. Most were not savable and had rotting particle board bases. Now a days medals are mostly pendants. They are easy to store and display and the student looks like he has won the Olympics.
These trophies represent a lot of hard work, travel and perseverance in many various forms. I miss it a bit and remember how much time I spent to bring my skills to a presentable level. I remember the pride I felt when my wife and kids did well. I missed it a bit this weekend when me and Morgan visited a local school owner in Bryan/College Station and looked around his school. I am thankful for the training I got at Master Olford's school here in Lufkin.
Things move on. I have kept busy. Sorry everyone for this big carbon footprint. 
Labels: TKD
More Weekend Fishing Photos...
Couple of Instruments Say Goodbye...
Ok, you say, "Mudbelly," and I mean there are a lot of people who say ok, Mudbelly, "you making guitars and stuff all the time you must have a lot of things just sitting around. Yes I do and I got rid of a couple of them. Here's a snare drum and a trumpet that in response to a notice in the church bulletin I donated to St. Patrick's Catholic School.
The trumpet is a student model and I can't even recall the brand now. It was bought in a pawn shop for very cheap because it did not have a mouthpiece. A cornet mouth piece did not fit it well and I promptly got a bugle mouthpiece stuck in the horn where it stayed for years. Face it, I am a low brass guy. I play the tuba and have recently become addicted to the baritone horn. I am never going to hit the high notes so I am not going to miss the trumpet. I bought a mouthpiece puller, got the bugle mouthpiece out, a nice red lexan mouth piece, and a soft case and dropped the whole lot by the school. I won't even need the mouth piece puller again because I like the mouth piece stuck in my tuba. Keeps me from losing it.
The snare drum was bought when Morgan began band in the 6th grade. I can't recall now if it was new or used but I do remember it I got it cheaper than the price Tatum music, which supplies most band instruments to the East Texas area wanted for their student model. In fact I own a drum set, currently in use at our country band rehearsal area and the veteran of many gigs that did not cost much more than the snares Tatum had. This is the snare that turned Morgan and Mary into fine drummers. It's played many gigs in the beginner bands and with the previously mentioned drum set at church, the VFW, jam sessions and parties. It's replacement is a piccolo snare that Pop bought at a garage sale. It's a better drum and our country band drummer always wants to buy it. So I don't need both snares and it's goodbye to this faithful jammer, may many more kids development their music talent beating on you like my kids did.
So there they go. I don't know what course the school music program may take. I have heard they may do a fife and drum corps. Maybe I'll get to go to a concert and hear these instruments play. Maybe if they need tuba they will call me and I'll get to play. Either way, after all this, there is still more. 
Labels: drums, family, music, St. Patrick, tuba
"...I know I've seen that face before," Big Jim was thinking to himself
"Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf..."Bob Dylan from "Lilly Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
you thought I was after your job
Gogol Bordello
Cathy's favorite band. They named this blog.
Wallace Fun Photos
My online photos.
New Orleans Jazz Fest Radio
The Older You Will Get Video Channel I Make all these myself.
Stone Wall Studio First Place I Was Ever Mentioned on The Internet
Facebook Lots of me on Facebook
St. Patrick Catholic Church Lufkin, Tx
I am webmaster of the official church web site