Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Biking Chicago...

When we have visited Chicago to see Katie and Peter, which we do a couple of times a year for the past few years I could probably count on one hand the number of times I have ridden in a private car. There are lots of cars of course, it is America after all but there are lots of people that get around without them. There is a good system of trains and buses. Takes a little longer, a little planning but mostly beats the traffic and parking if you use public transportation. On this visit we used bikes to get around. 

When we went to Riot Fest last year it was in a park a short walk from the house. This year it was still in the area about a 45 minute bike away. Katie and Peter have a number of bike, being a bit cheaper that a car and requiring little upkeep or insurance they seem to make sure there are spares. 

Course you need a costume. 
"Man I like to run into a pole." 

In Chicago there was some kind of thing going on that if your butt touched a bike seat it rained. 

One day we had more people in our party than we had bikes. Luckily there are bikes to rent. Just download an app to your phone and you can check if there are DIVY bikes to rent at the nearest station. Sure enough a check showed there was 8, the number we required and when we arrive there were 8 just like it promised. Of course with the rain there was not a big crowd standing around to jump on a bike, just us. 

Pretty simple system. It's a system you can beat. Just swipe your credit card. On this Saturday they were giving away 30 minute rides free. We rode  to the next station, checked them back in and checked them back out and continued on to the fest all for free. 

Cathy on her rent bike. Since we got back she ht the local pawn shops and bought a bike. Looks like I need to buy a bike this weekend. 

 Bullet proof orange coat. They said "Dad, no one will run over you if you wear this." 
Ali, Katie and Will. 

Will is a Canadian doctor. I feel like if I had become injured on this trip he would have treated me. There would have been no waiting and I could have just paid him. Always wanted to try out that single payer health care system. 

Night riding but not really too dark. 



Blogger scottbob said...

Well you all fit right in! When we last were in Chicago, Katie and Peter met us on bikes for pizza. Then we went to a Russian place for vodka sampling and testing our skills with Russian toasts. A grand time was had by all.

6:16 PM  

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