Monday, November 30, 2015

Iggy Pop at Riot Fest...

Someone said recently the music blog is dead. That's why I'm still writing here about music related things. At the rate things are going one day Donald Trump will say something bad about catfishermen and probably catfisherwomen. as well. And you know what? I'll just keep on cat fishing. I won't even listen to Trump. I have never listen to much music by Iggy Pop, a singer we saw at Riot Fest a couple of months ago but I do like some things he says. 

Iggy is 68 years old. A skinny, leathery dude who dresses pretty simply in black jeans, belt, shoes and maybe a jacket if it's cool began learning about music (don't let this scare you parents) in the school orchestra. He started in bands as a drummer in the mid 60s. His career has been long and is still viable. Iggy has an interview posted on line where he states something like all the stuff people think they want when they are 22-40 years old did not come to him till after 60. 

I read where it took 20 years for Iggy's early critically acclaimed recordings to begin making money. I know how he feels. I started learning an instrument when I was 12. The last few years people have started to occasionally pay me to play in a band or make a cigar box guitar. It takes a while but I like the long arch of creativity. 

Iggy's attitude might be in line with the statement songwriter Ray Wylie Hubbard once made something like "every day I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations is a good day." Don't expect much with your music, your art but keep working at it. In the the text of a speech by Iggy you can find on line he points out that the Great Blues singer Howlin' Wolf would play for a sandwich.

I'll play for a sandwich any time. 



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