Monday, August 28, 2017

Storm So Far...

My prayers certainly go out for those most affected by the storm but so far things have been slow and wet here. That may change because things happen slow after a hurricane. It's a long playing event and my time may not be here yet.

So far immediate family is fine. Morgan and Ali are in Pearland with some water in the street but the house is dry and they have power. Rose and kids stayed in Lake Jackson till last night and then decided to hold out at boyfriend Tim's two story house in Alvin. Lake Jack did not take a hard hit from the storm compared to other places but there is going to be a lot of water coming down the Brazos River and the danger will be isolation with all roads out closed from this flood. 

Here's a couple of photos of my property. I am down hill so this water runs across the yard and down the road and collects along the property line. It then flows out the back of the property into a ditch beside the church and on into roadside ditches to the creek. The creek seems to run off pretty quick. At midday yesterday it was not even full banks. The occasional break between rains lets it flow on out. This might not be the most water I have seen in this spot.

This is not a tree no matter how the photo looks. One time years ago, must have been last century a small twister or something came through and took the top out of a cedar tree right by the house and leaned it over on the chimney. I hooked a rope on it and pulled it off with the truck. Slight chimney damage had to be repaired and I had a big log in the yard. Actually come to think of it there was also a cedar that fell across the road and I had to move it so I can't really remember which tree this was. It was, after all last century. 

What I ended up doing was I took a chain saw and from one piece sculpted a bench of sorts. It's still here but got grown over by Chinese Juniper used as a ground cover. Some how and I don't really remember ( I was younger and stronger in those days) I stood the rest of the tree up, concreted it in and it has been used as a sort of a totem pole, a bird feeder hanger, Christmas light display and I don't know what else. Current the greenery you see is one of those vines with the orange horn shaped flowers. Probably an invasive species but they do seem to draw humming birds so they can't be all bad I let them have the run of the place in accordance with my southern rot and decay gardening style. Boy that would be a good blog title, southern rot and decay. I have used that line in a song I wrote.       

We did get one report that Cathy's uncle and Aunt, Dave and Peg had some water in their house in the Houston area but have not verified that. Brother in law Matt is reporting water almost crotch deep but not in his house yet. 

Hope all stay safe


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