Saturday, April 14, 2018

Thrift Storing...

Great minds think like. Even though Cathy went out of town while I stayed home we visited similar concerns. I guess that's what makes us good together.

It started with my need for a black shirt for the upcoming Angelina College Community Band gig on April 29th. I hit at least two thrift stores before I hit the gold at Second Blessings in Huntington. I got a black long-sleeved shirt so nice that I just had to spring for the black trousers that fit like they were tailor made. I passed on the French cuffed black shirt as I though the sleeves looked a little too bunchy. Since I was on a roll a quick look around the store and there was a statue of St. Theresa just waiting for me.

If you remember, Saint Theresa was a Spanish Mystic, a Carmelite Nun and a Saint of the Catholic Church. A motto associated with her is "Lord let me suffer or let me die." I think the Mountain Goats said something like that also. "I'll get thorough this year if it kills me."

Today was the day that Heritage Antiques in downtown Lufkin hosted their Spring Fling of vendor booths in the parking lot. I have been selling my cigar box guitars at their spring and fall events for a couple of years and it's good folks down there. They understand my shtick. Not everybody does. I had to work so no booth for me. I went down after work this afternoon and despite the morning rain it was a good turn out of vendors. I bought a couple of things from my favorite guys. Mike sells records and sell is what he does. I usually find out I know more about the records. I guess he just likes to sell and they are good prices. He had a record by the old reggae band that used to play the Crossroads in Doches, the Lotions. He said "don't you want that Lotions record?"  I said, "dude,  I bought a Lotions record from you two years ago." Not many people come by two of those records. 

Anyway I picked up a Buddy Miles, former Jimi Hendrix drummer who I also saw play the Crossroads one time, great show, called Roadrunner. It did not have a cover but a quick google shows this to be a $15-20 record in good condition.

The Good the Bad and Ugly sound track by composer Enrico Morricone is a must have for all music fans with a case of the spooky spaghetti western jones on.   

Also without a cover I got the old Chicago Live at Carnegie Hall. I had this release 8 track back in the day. I looked it up and seems the group is divided on the quality of the recording. Some likened the horn sounds to kazoos. That's cool I like kazoos. Also there have been a couple of recent documentaries on the history of this band where they admit to being reckless cocaine users. That will have effect on what you think your horn sounds like as well as what it really sounds like.

I think this record still holds the mark as the best selling 4 LP box set release ever. I gave $5 total and have only had to get up and kick the record play twice when the needle got stuck so far.

I bought this from a guy, and I forget his name I am sorry but he has promised me if he ever raises good gourds he will give me some for guitar making. A tiki totem from someone's cruise vacation I'll probably hang it on a tree in the yard and years later the kids will think it was some kind of shrine their crazy old man was out praying at. Maybe I'll combine it in an alter with the Saint Theresa.

Meanwhile I was busy with all this Cathy picked up these two Astros shirts at a thrift in Lake Jackson. We have tickets for the Stros and White Sox next visit to Chicago. Someone I know was worried I might wear White Sox gear to that game. Get outta here dude! 

Cathy also picked up a $5 all you could stuff in a bag special of clothes. Cathy never buys new clothes. Always used. Maybe a new t shirt from a favorite band now and then. 

I did hit up a garage sale with a bunch of used fishing gear but they had nothing essential. 

Total expenses thrifting comes to about $32.  

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