Friday, August 24, 2018

New System...

We recently had a catastrophic septic system failure. It was an older aerobic type system probably 40 years old. The pump failed and I had always maintained it myself. I hauled up the old pump, sized the pipe and all and when I went to lower the pump back I hit an obstruction. A wall of the tank had collapsed. Here's to hoping this new tank last 40 more years. 

I am going to be busy filling this thing up! Apparently they had never had anyone make a joke about how they finely found something to take their crap.  I'd think plumbers would know every joke in this category but the world is just not the same anymore I guess.    

Here's this tank buried in the ground. Lots of bells and whistles. 

Found some curious stuff. In addition to a very solid cedar post that they dug up and I will use for some project it was discovered that the water line runs crazy out here. I knew that because recently I had some water meter work done and replacing the line was a possibility. We tried to trace it out and finely managed to decide it went past the house and cut back and was not worth the cost and trouble. 

Digging the lines that will go to the sprayer heads that will disperse the chlorinated waste water about my property the plumbing company hit the line twice. I think maybe the previous owner had a trailer house on the property while he remodeled the house I bought from him and the line runs out in the yard and makes a "T" somewhere.   

Ezra inspects. 

The crew will finish today. The left their tractors. Me and Ezra had fun on the tractors. 

I used Truss and Sons Plumbing. I took three bids and while not the cheapest I am very satisfied with the work and communication. I recommend them. 



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