Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Don Vappie's Tribute to King Oliver...

So, is there jazz at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival? Well there sure is. You can find the modern jazz, which is the kind of music that makes Cathy want to slap someone or you can listen to traditional jazz. Traditional jazz is a whole lot easier on me. 

I had been wanting to see this guy, Don Vappie for a while. He's a tenor banjo player I only have him on one recording, Recapturing the Banjo which has Vappie, Alvin Youngblood Hart and Otis Taylor among others all performing in the early African American style that is directly descended from the music brought here on the original gourd banjo of Africa. 

This group was called Don Vappie's Tribute to King Oliver. Oliver was a cornet player, active from the 1910s to the late 30s. That makes some of the music performed by this group over 100 years old. And you say you like the oldies. Oliver was influenced by the mysterious but never recored Buddy Bolden and mentored many trumpet and cornet players the most notable being Louis Armstrong. Louie said with out Oliver there would have been no jazz.  

Here's Don on Banjo. I credit Bill Cooney with influencing me on my knowledge of traditional jazz and tenor banjo. 

I loved hearing these two guys on cornet and trumpet. Any guesses as to where they got their music degrees? Oliver was a pioneer in the use of mutes in the trumpet solo. 

Sax players. 

Sometimes I wish I had played clarinet. It's a fine jazz instrument.  

I suggest you check Don out. He's a cool dude with a lot going on. I think he had several groups and performances at the festival. 

Oliver was a true ground breaker. According to his wiki article  he crossed all lines of society, playing working class dives and society balls in New Orleans, Chicago and New York during his career and his compositions are still important today. By the late 30s his bands were undo by the economic hardships of the depression and he could no longer play his horn due to gum disease caused by his love of sugar sandwiches.  

Listen to traditional jazz. I promise you won't get slapped. 


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