Monday, September 03, 2018

Bridge Out...

I don't know when the last time you have been out to my home for a visit. There are about three different ways to get here sort of depending which end of town you might be coming from. If it's been in the last three months and if your favorite way to and from town is the same as mine, the old Ford Chapel Road, then there is a 95% chance I forgot the common courtesy to mention that the bridge is out for repair. Sometimes it seems that it's about 95% of the time that I forget the bridge is out for repair and go that way by accident. 

The two most popular ways to get to town since this has been a situation is either make a left at the crossroads and continue to highway 69 and then a right to town. That's my way. Cathy's way is to continue on to the bridge, which sits at a "Y" in the road, take the left fork of the "Y" to also end up on 69 with a right to town. I like my way which is wide, straight and suitable for high speed vs. Cathy's way which is curvy, crooked and narrow. I don't know if this says something about our personalities or if Cathy can let her mind idle and not worry about forgetting the bridge is out because the turn is right at the bridge. The turn I like is before the bridge so I have to be alert and doing executive planning which I accomplish most of the time except when I forget that the bridge is out and then I have to go Cathy's way.   

Does any of that make sense? 

What really does not make sense is that with so many things wrong in the world today the bridge near my house is where they have begun setting things straight. Let's just hope this good work continues and maybe picks up the pace a bit so I don't spend 4 months or so going the wrong way. 

This bog post is about me trying to get to town. Tomorrow when I forget the bridge is out and I am trying to get from town to my house I'll be able to make a photo from the other side and it will be a wholly different story to write. 

Cathy stopped and talked to the bridge guys the other day. That's something else to check up on. Is she supposed to be doing that? Anyway they said about another month and then they get started on the rest of the world.  


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