As you may know I usually vacation in spots where music is a main thing going on. I guess a lot of music goes on in
LV, after all Elvis made a big comeback here, the Rat Pack is the height of cool as evidenced by several tribute shows available and numerous pop stars now appear here having made the
successful transition from hard working touring band to money sucking corporation.
Couple of shows of interest, the
percussion groups Stomp and Blue Man Group would have been good to see, but we have seen Stomp before and Morgan and Mary as high school drummers have had a chance to put on a similar show with the spring percussion concert each year.
Shows like these start at $100 a ticket. Taking a family there you end up spending more than the plane and hotel price. I am used to those Austin/New Orleans shows for $5-$25 a ticket and you stand up jiving and thrashing the whole time. And if you pass out from the jiving and thrashing you are kind of held in place till the crowd thins out. That way you don't miss any of the show getting medical attention. And no one has any second thoughts or asks questions when you mention you don't remember anything from the show.
Besides for $100 a ticket I would expect there would be some
expectations that people's manners would be good. Remember $100 is the
starting price. Folks paying in excess of this would not consider it good value to have a fat man pounding their back all through the show.
A taxi driver mentioned to me that on
Fremont St. there were sometimes free shows going on outdoor stages. He said it was often old seventies rock bands and I thought well maybe we could see the Eagles or something but it turned out better than that.

Here is a free show I saw with old
chitlin circuit blues man Bobby Rush. A funk/soul/R&B revue Bobby still has the moves and the chops of a man much younger than his 70 odd years. The band was smoking and flanking Bobby you see a long time staple of his show, the big booty dancers. Their costumes were really fabulous. A special construction of two compartments in posterior of their skirts allows for the
insertion of a weasel in each compartment, which happens to be positioned exactly over each buttock. These young ladies then turn around (I know this violates a show business rule) on Bobby's cue of course, with
their back to the audience and the weasels wiggle and jump for all they are worth. It's a prize for the poor to find I
As for music in the casinos there is the occasional cover band blasting from a lounge off the gaming floor and sometimes piped in music which I would assume is the latest pop hits. Then there is the big water spew show at the
Beligio Hotel. Done to music of course and free to the public I had seen this set to a nice impressionistic piano piece. This year the water was matched to the Black Eyed Peas hit "My Humps"

Hot babes are big business in

This was the side of a truck going down the street. I don't know if there are babes inside but that's the MGM Grand in the background.
More old Vegas.

Labels: babe, music