Don't you just love East Texas...

Man you can run around in cammies and rubber boots catching and killing anything. And there is a lot to chose from depending on your socio-economic status of course. Here is the result of a couple of hours on the lake after the rain stopped. A seven pound humpbacked blue, caught on the floating noodles with Cathy adding 5 cats on rod and reel. I did not catch anything on a pole, I was too busy watching the noodles. We agreed that if you saw the noodle go down, it's your fish. This one almost got away. After the great splashing jumping man against beast thing at the side of the boat he was in the net, but the hook was not in his mouth. I think this guy will feed 5 or 4 hungry people.
News is just happening so fast I can't really give the justice of my comments to everything.
Take the execution of old Saddam. Bad move I think. Too bad Gerald Ford passed. I think that he would have pardoned him and then as the years passed he could have set out on the road to rehabilitation just like Nixon did. Ended up as a wise elder statesman. It's possible, heck no one born after 69 or so has a real clear picture of what it was Nixon did. Now a days most folks glow with pride if you call them Tricky Dick. They think it is some kind of prowness thing. Few years they would be just tickled to be called Sexy Saddam or something like that.
I also think a golden money making deal was missed. I'm talking speaking engagements, books, movies, Barbara Walters, Oprah, and reunion tours with other bad guys. With the money going to responsible hands of course. And then when he did kick the bucket, he would really rake in the cash just like James Brown's estate expects to do.
Sorry about the multiple topics here, but if I don't address all that is necessary I have to give away a big screen to people in Virginia or Alice, Texas.
Labels: big screen