Sunday, April 30, 2006

Why the fuss...

Got to jump in here with a current event comment. Why the fuss over the Spanish Star Spangled Banner? I heard it early that morning, and thought how cool. By the next news broadcast it was getting blasted. Looks like a discussion of the fact we have a war hymn as a national anthem might serve us better in these times but I'll save that for another day.

I'll admit I'm a little biased, I play in a bilingual English Spanish church group to start with. I'm always glad to hear how a change in language often breathes new life into what had become a moldy oldie. I believe in treating the flag right also, as a former scout leader I've taught a bunch of kids how to fold a flag, how to raise it, how to do a flag ceremony, how to see that it is properly displayed. Sorry, I can't help it if I've been around, you can't skin me for not being a patriot, I've done everything you see, it's typical for blog writers to see all, know all do all.

All this brings to mind something I learned about Johnny Cash a few weeks ago. With a big hit movie out ("making money is not what being deads about") it is real easy to learn things about Johnny right now, some of them you might not want to know, but I discovered that Johnny recorded all his hits singing in other languages.

Now Johnny was a creature of capitalism, he bought a new caddy every year and I'm sure other kinds of cars also as well as all the people in his employment did too, so he was about rolling the "Cash" in, sorry about the pun. He did hold some values and his songs speak to people in special ways and he knew they would no matter what the or nation. Everything is everything you know.

So I see it as a good thing that things are translated. I see it as a good thing for people to come here. How are we going to understand and get to know each other? The high and mighty just want to drive a wedge between all of us down here so we will fight and hate each other so we serve their greedy purpose.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

In case you weren't at Jazz Fest this weekend...

Well there is always next weekend, but here is what it looks like...

If they say put your hands together, put your crawdads between your feet...

I have been to enough Jazz Fests that I recognize some of the same strange characters that you see there year after year like this one...

Posted new link...

Sitting around studying last night and thinking about this being a Jazz Fest weekend in New Orleans I used the computer to tune into a N. O. Station, WWOZ radio. As the funky music came out of the cheap computer speakers I could imagine myself, all the New Orleans mementos and pictures helped, including the most recent work of art hung by Cathy , a pawn shop trumpet and clarinet flanking a picture of Pat O's courtyard that was a wedding gift, being in an old New Orleans house in an old New Orleans neighborhood.

Great thing about this radio is that it can play for hours and may not ever play a song you have heard before. I like that. With all the music in the world I can't stand to listen to my favorites but every now and then. I don't like to miss out on the excitement of new grooves. Every now and then you might here a song you know, a cover done by someone s0mewhere more famous, but here it is run through a Cajun coffee red beans and rice filter that makes the original version seem tame. There are various shows one this station that focus on particular aspects of the local scene, gospel, tropical, rock, blues and so on, so if you don't like what you hear now, tune back later, it will be different.

Even the wild teenage beast, who came in from the movies and heard the funk asked, "what music is that?" It kind of stops you in your tracks, raises the hair, makes the butt start to shake.

Also check the Wallace fun photos for a bunch of pictures made in N.O., some of them 20 years old. Seems like every time I dig in an obscure corner of the house I turn up a paper sack of photos made in New Orleans. I'll get them all posted one day.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Would things be simpler if...

I was a non-filtered cigarette smoking accordion player in Romania? If I liked rock music from the 80s? If the President really was a Christian? If I did not know how to drive a car? If I did not know how to play a guitar? If breakfast this morning was green eggs and ham? If I was in New Orleans for Jazz Fest this weekend? If I did not wake up at 3:30am? If I knew what that Mexican boy said when I walked through his hog pen way out in the jungle that time? If my ears weren't ringing? If I hadn't said the N word so loud that time so long ago? If friends never got sick? If I had never learned to copy and paste? If I just made this stuff up? If I read other blogs? If I was sedated? If I was incarcerated? If I always had super glue when I needed it? If technology really was my friend? If I really got everything I wanted? If I wasn't free? If auto parts stores keep a ready supply of parts for 25 year old imports? If the brain was smooth instead of wrinkled?

I'm blowing off steam, add your own stuff to the list...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Good rain this morning, we got thirsty plants around here needing it bad before the real heat of summer starts. I am lucky to get a walk from school today so I am not driving in it.

The walk was unexpected, seems that my instructor's daughter, who is pregnant with twins took a fall and sprained her ankle. Her mom stood it as long as she could and finely had to go see about her. The end of the semester is starting to get a little crazy, maybe more so for the teacher than the students and this is one more thing to stir in the pot. We are one instructor short this semester, which is not too bad considering that the graduating class is in clinical all semester. There are no prospects for hiring right now, too much of a pay cut to teach over what a PT or PTA can make. I don't know if there will be a freshman class next fall unless the position is filled.

Back to the rain, I'm glad, it will help me focus on study, make the knowledge grow like new grass in my brain. If it was a nice day I'd sure be thinking about tossing a spinner bait up among old cypress trees. This rain will be like money in the bank for better fishing later this spring and summer while I put money in my bank for the 11 tests I have starting next week.

And that brings us with the problem with putting stuff in the brain bank. It has always been interesting to me that it is said the brain soaks up everything. The only problem is making a withdrawal, you know bankers hours, can't get it out right now. For example the ankle tattoo I saw on a young woman walking across campus the other day. Now you know that my brain, like the razor sharp instrument of reason and and intelligence it is, soaked up the intricate design, and if hooked to a copier, ( there is an idea but I can't spend that much time on the computer today)) could reproduce it. What I remember though is thinking and this is what my brain can withdraw is these words of advice I would give this young lady:

If you get a leg tattoo, please commit yourself to wearing exotic shoes, for my sake and yours. Those $2.98 white canvas dollar store bargains, made in Viet Nan, speading out from the sweat shops and shodding the feet of millions world wide just don't go with leg tattoos. That image burned to my brain those, white white cheap shoes. I guess there is still hope for that young lady because the older you will get...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A small revolt...

Seems that while I have been preoccupied with other matters I let the endless supply of sunflower seeds that the local squirrels had grown used to run out. This led to uprising and discontent among an otherwise quite population that normally goes about their business of seed shelling with a single mindedness that we have grown to associate with republican lobbyiests.

I was not at home when the danger was at its highest, by the time I arrived on the scene the revolution was somewhat blunted by the afternoon heat when squirrels like to nap but Cathy reported the mornings events to me.

The squirrels know when I keep the seed supply and are not above checking on it if I am not prompt with refills. Cathy said the disturbances began with squirrels coming up under the carport, and when finding no sack of seeds calling and chattering about the wrong being committed. They were also on the deck. They intimidated my little dog, made him a nervous wreck. He thought they were about to breach the walls of the house where who knows what carnage would be carried out. There was actually destruction of property, they wrecked a small bird feeder that Mary had given me for my birthday. It was not really convenient for them to dine at and they made it so.

Anyway, when I went back to town later I bought seeds. It took about 20 minutes for the first one to arrive and dine. Hopefully the population will be easier to manage today when their full bellies make every thing right in their world.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

More fishing...

Went fishing again today, me, Cathy, Mary Morgan, Rose and Juan. Ended up with 30 fish, including the too small hybrid striper that Cathy caught there were 6 diffrent species represented in the live well. Those gaspergou caught yesterday make for 7 different species caught all weekend, all on artificial lures. Here is Mary with a real nice white bass and Morgan with a nice crappie.

Count those bridge pilings and you will know our secret spot.

Cathy caught a real nice red ear sunfish. She informs me that she is not a bait on the bottom type, she likes a bait suspended with a cork.

Here is me with the biggest bass I have caught in quite some time. I caught him on a light spinning rod with 4 pound test line. Here is the last fish of the day, nice chunkey little black bass, caught by Mary.

That little speck is an ultra light plane that folds up and stowes under a seat on our boat. Thats me flying it.

Just kidding.

Too much fun, I really got to study tomorrow.

Bass fishing...

Well we were bass fishing using a lure called a rattle trap and it seems that all kinds of fish like a rattle trap. Cathy caught a gaspergou and a catfish, Juan, my son in law caught, bass, catfish, gou and a big bull red ear sunfish. Rose caught a bass. Me and Mary got skunked. That don't happen often, but hey at least I did pick the place to fish.

Cathy usually shuns using lures she is a bait on the bottom type usually

Here is Rose and Juan with a fish.

Just who is catching that fish?
Does this look like a bass fisherman?

No pictures of me, I'm on the way to the tackle store, there is something I need to buy.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Ok, I aint no Dan-Danz...

But here is a flower picture. I don't know what it is, just one of the pots Cathy filled with bedding plants to decorate the deck. Check the Dan-Danz link for the good stuff.
It's nice summer is coming on, but things are a little dry around here.

That test I thought I had yesterday was a false alarm, it is next week. I do have a lab today, though. So that's good, I like to be relaxed instead of cramming for tests. I am kind of in the calm before the storm, one or two test next week, but I think counting finals I have 13 tests in the next three weeks, most are the last two weeks of school. Don't call me, I'll call you. On second thought the kind of calling I'll be doing is that calling and moaning in darkness and turmoil that is so cleansing for the soul but bothers the neighbors so bad.

I'll take a bit of a break this weekend, no work, only a little study, daughter Rose and son in law Juan are coming, we are planning some fishing, maybe even a swim.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I done good on this...

Functional Anatomy. The shoulder. 100 on the lab practical and the lecture test. Felt like I put it all together on this unit, I studied hard, looked at what I had been missing on other tests and tried to make sure I got those kinds of points. That course of action worked.

It was that or either I had a lucky pack of scantrons. And I use my last one on a test today.

I have had some good grades on the shoulder unit, all three classes do each body part, foot, knee, hip, shoulder so on concurrently so that you just kind of live a certain body part and it all just runs together. I feel like I made some strides in understanding, techniques and critical thinking type stuff the past couple of weeks, which is good, just in time for finals.

Wish me luck as I finish up with a lecture and lab on therapeutic Exercise for the shoulder today and tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

As we get older...

I meant this web log to be a kind of celebration of getting old. Never have to be young again and make those foolish mistakes, use your experience and wisdom to have more fun than ever before. May be there is a little bit of that spoiled generational attitude, I'm in power now and I'm going to have fun, but I hope I have tried to use that power to do good things too.

As we get get there is something you have to face that might not be as pleasant and might not be fun or pretty at all. That's your friends getting older also. Besides having all this fun I am talking about things can go wrong. I'm talking about your body dude. Health becomes a factor that was not a problem in those young dumb years.

So what brings all this too mind is a few events involving friends this past week. One friend calls Cathy and wants to plan their funeral, pick songs, make sure final wishes are as they should be, a good thing really to be ready, especially if you don't like "How Great Thou Are" or "Just A Closer Walk with Thee" all that much because that is what they will pick if you don't. I don't think the friend is going anywhere right now but these are thoughts to have. Another friend emails, I had my check up, the cancer is still gone. Good news for sure, certainly glad for that, much better than the day they told all that they had cancer. And finely another friend told me yesterday that they were going to be taking some treatments for the next year that was going to make them real sick and that not to expect them to do the things we have been doing together till they got better.

So if I know three people and you know three people and they each know three people it goes on and on, the experiences of this life. Keep them all in thoughts and prayers, because the older you will get...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Short lake trip...

Couple of test today (100 on lab practical, I needed that) got home and we spent a few hours boating. Caught one bream.

And here she is...

Not the boat silly, I'm talking about my wife, Cathy. Don't she look pretty, (not the boat) my wife, she is twice as bad behind the wheel of that thing as you yourself would even think about being.

Discovered this stuck on a stump out in the lake. A catfish head. It is an old East Texas custom, see if you have too many catfish around and they are bothering you, you just catch one and stick his head on a stump as a warning to all others that they are not welcome here and if they dare trespass in ths area the same fate will befall those so foolish.


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Things I have screwed up...

May be this could be a regular feature here.

Almost a couple of weeks ago I hitched up to my utility trailer, pulled it up to the barn and did some spring cleaning. In the trailer which is kept under a shed was a tarp I used to cover the junk I hauled to the dump. The trap was just loose in the trailer and in the folds of the tarp was a bird nest. I had the trailer at the back of the property and the tarp on the ground by the time I noticed the nest.

After I finished my chore of hauling off stuff I tried to put the nest back like it was. I don't think momma bird is buying it, she aint sitting anymore, must look wrong to her.

So I screwed this up, and that was a bunch of eggs too. I have been doing some pretty heavy bird and squirrel feeding the past few months (the doves have almost grown too heavy to fly and Cathy has the hummers hovering)) so I just hope there are nests like this one all over my property.

Keep checking in, this won't be the last screw up for sure.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Were you there...

And then, nadie en la tumba, no one in the tomb.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Holy Thursday...

Played at church tonight and got a day off tomorrow for Good Friday. I'll hit the books pretty hard. I got some good studying done on time off at spring break, last week end when Cathy and Mary were gone I studied a bunch and all that has paid off with a nice little strecth of decent grades, nothing fancy, just nice to feel comfortable about going into the last couple of weeks. I think the week before finals there are 6 tests. That's not counting one more test in Spanish.

You know other folks in this household have a life too, I know it seems that things just so revolve around me that everyone else just sits and watches, but that's not the case.

Here is a picture, snatched off a Channel 9 news cast by friend tech whiz photo drummer Dan-Danz of Mary that was taped during a feature they shot and aired yesterday, something about kid sports. It is a shot of her doing the Song Knot weapons form.

Mary has done well sparring at the last few tournaments, all 1st place finishes. Looks like when the new tournament year starts in June she might have a shot at competing for world champ in the ATA. It is a long tournament trail till the next June, it will be tough, not the fighting, she is kicking butt, but just getting there to the necessary tournaments, carrying the boom box in the entourage and all that. It is her time I believe. She won't be a second degree much longer, she tests for third next week. No testing for 4th till you are 21.

Lots of blog visits and even some comments from strangers, thanks for visiting.

How you like the yellow print? It was an accident. I messed up something with the blog yesterday and I was too tired last night to see how to fix it. Kind of feel the same way now.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Another instrument history...

As some may know from time to time I with a little history of the instruments and amps I own. Search through previous posts to catch up on some of those stories. I still have a few to write.

Today I'll address an amp. The Fender Bassman 70. Also since it appears in the picture a little Harmony electric guitar.

I bought that amp in a pawn shop that was located on the red brick street square in down town Nacogdoches. It is not there anymore and to tell the truth I can't remember exactly where it was. I mean I know which side of the street and within a couple of doors, but you things change with the older you get. I use iI use it as a bass guitar amp, not really sure what Fender intended with this amp, the Bassman series was not to suitable for bass by the time the volume of music really started getting cranked up in the mid 60s, but they made real fine amps for 6 string guitar. This amp, made from 78-82, different from the 60s Bassman circuits, is designed to be a very clean sounding amp, no break up or distortion. It does sound fearsome with a fuzz pedal parked in from of it. The Fender Cabinet has a 15 inch Force speaker, not original issue, but probally a replacement. I have owned this amp since about 1986. As I said I use it for bass, most do not think it desirable for that, it's 70 watts, most think 200 and up good for bass, if I have to play that loud, I'll pack up and go home, my ears constantly ring anyway from the business of music that I engage in my comfortable little niche and in that little niche this amp has served well.
Here is another shot of the head alone, I recently had some of the maintains that tube amps require every 25 years or so done and it sounds great. Parts that were replaced seemed to date this amp as a 79-80 model. This is in what was considered Fender's vintage years, but it is not a highly sought after amp, but an affordable collectors piece for a guy like me. Might be more valuable some day, I have had numerous offers to buy it made by everyone from a local music store owner that is a FOW (friend of Willies) to teenagers stopped by to jam with my kids. The little Harmony guitar was $40 in a Lufkin pawn shop a couple of years ago. I bought it because it had that Hounddog Taylor vibe. He was blues man slide player who favored cheap guitars with lots of slider type switches and stuff, this guitar has just enough to qualify. I use it only for slide guitar, a righteous raucous wooly sound indeed. Harmony made guitars in the 50s and 60, many student models, but some are quite desirable today, with some nice workman like attention to detail that comes from stuff that is made by human hands instead of computer programmed machines. Lots of web sites go into great detail about Harmony, but I have never seen a model like this, which I would guess dates from the mid late 80s after the Harmony name had been purchased by some company named Yatsehoshoe. That is why little mention, the cool thing about them had happened, but for $40 I can pretend it is still happening around here. That's not knocking Asian stuff, there are some great guitars coming from Korea right now that I would love to have, but really have no use for except to have. That old amp has seen some use, everywhere from flatbed trailer stages deep in the piney woods to Lufkin High Band Concerts when my son borrowed it to St Patrick's church. I'll load it up and use it again on band night at the State School next week.

t as a bass guitar amp, not really sure what Fender intended with this amp, the Bassman series was not to suitable for bass by the time the volume of music really started getting cranked up in the mid 60s, but they made real fine amps for 6 string guitar. This amp, made from 78-82, different from the 60s Bassman circuits, is designed to be a very clean sounding amp, no break up or distortion. It does sound fearsome with a fuzz pedal parked in from of it. The Fender Cabinet has a 15 inch Force speaker, not original issue, but probally a replacement.

I have owned this amp since about 1986. As I said I use it for bass, most do not think it desirable for that, it's 70 watts, most think 200 and up good for bass, if I have to play that loud, I'll pack up and go home, my ears constantly ring anyway from the business of music that I engage in my comfortable little niche and in that little niche this amp has served well.

Here is another shot of the head alone, I recently had some of the maintains that tube amps require every 25 years or so done and it sounds great. Parts that were replaced seemed to date this amp as a 79-80 model. This is in what was considered Fender's vintage years, but it is not a highly sought after amp, but an affordable collectors piece for a guy like me. Might be more valuable some day, I have had numerous offers to buy it made by everyone from a local music store owner that is a FOW (friend of Willies) to teenagers stopped by to jam with my kids.

The little Harmony guitar was $40 in a Lufkin pawn shop a couple of years ago. I bought it because it had that Hounddog Taylor vibe. He was blues man slide player who favored cheap guitars with lots of slider type switches and stuff, this guitar has just enough to qualify. I use it only for slide guitar, a righteous raucous wooly sound indeed. Harmony made guitars in the 50s and 60, many student models, but some are quite desirable today, with some nice workman like attention to detail that comes from stuff that is made by human hands instead of computer programmed machines. Lots of web sites go into great detail about Harmony, but I have never seen a model like this, which I would guess dates from the mid late 80s after the Harmony name had been purchased by some company named Yatsehoshoe. That is why little mention, the cool thing about them had happened, but for $40 I can pretend it is still happening around here.

That's not knocking Asian stuff, there are some great guitars coming from Korea right now that I would love to have, but really have no use for except to have.

That old amp has seen some use, everywhere from flatbed trailer stages deep in the piney woods to Lufkin High Band Concerts when my son borrowed it to St Patrick's church. I'll load it up and use it again on band night at the State School next week.

I figure...

And if I'm figuring it out with my old slow cold brain it must be happening, other people must be doing it.

I figure that a guy needs about three blogs. He needs one like this one, a place where friends and family can look in and see what is going on. A happy place where all is good news. A place people like to go.

The next blog he needs is a place where he can talk about people, you know talk about the people that might be reading here, talk about friends, coworkers, family and how they have hacked you off hurt your feelings interfere with your plans.

The next blog to have would be a really bad violent place where vile hatred, exreme political views, pseudo-science and naked pictures of yourself could be posted. Every other word would be a cuss word.

Now don't worry, as you cast your eyes to the links section of this page, there is no The Madder You Will Get At Someone...or the The Older You Will Get The More Naked You Will Get...

Just making some early morning observations on human natures that might be a helpful guide to get through the day.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Truth in writing...

Could not help but notice that there are people whose writing gets them in trouble. Lately journalist have committed plagiarism, an author of a nonfiction account of own experiences made up a few things to sort of fire what really happened up a little. Hope you don't think what you read here is all true.

It kinda is true though. Life seems such a process that you go through, picking up so many bits and pieces along the way that I am very sensitive to the thing I might have learned 40 years ago, a thing that had no place then, but the thing I might find a place for today, a hole where that puzzle piece fits and it becomes woven into my life together to awaken some other thing more fully.

I think this weaving is important to keep us young, our minds busy and keeps that personal growth going that stops us from being an old echo just rattling through a canyon saying the same thing over and over.

So sometimes when I write a thing here, and you read it, remember that thing might not have just happened today, but it just might be a thing I have come to see through the light of recent events, an item collected and ran through filters and screens and rubbed with the polishing agents of time and mind so that I have come to understand how when something happens to you, it never really stops happening to you but rumbles around, not like a sound that dies away, but like a rarely used tool that when picked up makes past and present become a seamless thing.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Combined a little study and play today...

With Cathy and Mary out of town for a TKD tournament, (Mary took 1st sparring, Morgan 3rd, may be some pictures later) I have studied all weekend. It has been good because I could study, take a break, study some more. Tough times coming up, I'm trying my best.

With everyone out of the house I set this up in the middle of the floor to blow off some steam on breaks. It has really helped. It is hard to take a break and go back to study with folks around. They think you are through. I like to think about stuff while I am occupying my mind with some short fun of another kind and if something seems like it aint right in my mind, something that I might not be sure about, I go back to it and make sure what it was. I can do that all day.
I doubt I have played it an hour the past two days, might have spent a couple of hours just setting stuff up, trying different arrangements of pedals and things checking different sounds.

They are on the way home now, I gotta take it down.

Friday, April 07, 2006


A guy just needs a mentor. You know somebody that's been around a little more, somebody that has experience to draw on. Just a buddy you can hang with and share. Somebody to pass on the mistakes they made, how they had good times. Somebody to listen to your dreams and not laugh.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

emusic downloads so far this month...

I know you audiophiles want to know, and if you are not into that kind of thing, well, get with it man!

So far:
Tony Guilkyson, Goodbye Guitar, good country music, not like on the radio.
Psychebelly dance music, Baba Zula and the Mad Professor, you know whos this is.
Kingdom Come, Arthur Brown, You know, "War, what is it good for, absolutely nothing..." He is still a very busy boy.
Book of Silk, Tin Hat Trio, one of Cathy's, but it has a tuba on it!

It would be great to have DSL, but it gives me something to do between study and bed to pick out the loads for the night. And it takes all night on dial up.

22 loads left for the month, it goes quick, I got in such bad shape last month I had to grab a Jerry Garcia show from 1972 off the Dead download site.


Critters are crawling...

Time to be careful doing spring chores. Cathy discovered this fellow on an old deck umbrella we were throwing away.

I found a birds nest in an old tarp that was laying in the small trailer that is parked under the boat shed. I disturbed it without noticing because I used the tarp. I later tried to fix it back like it was, hope it is not rejected by the mom. It was full of eggs, 5 brown speckled ones.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Got a walk today...

No school today, we were ahead in one class and everything kind of goes together anyway and the teacher had some other business so good. I need a little break, some extra study, no driving time today works out good.

Good thing I got a break, the spring weather was making me think some weird stuff. Driving between Kilgore and Nacogdoches you cross many little creeks that go under the high way and snake their way across cow pastures on in to the woods and toward the river. I always wonder about their path and the things along the way.

In fact I could see myself parking beside the road on the gravel shoulder, stepping out of the car in the pleasant spring day. Cross the barbed wire fence. As I start a dog trot along the banks of the little creek I began stripping off my clothes. The sun feels good on my necked hide, white skin warming in the sun after a long winter concealment. Maybe a few passing cars notice me, I hope they understand, I'm not nasty, just naked. At their speed its only a glance and a what was that, they are too busy to go back and rat me out.

The creek enters the woods and I zig zag among the trees, the banks are a little steeper as if the water wants to hurry to the sea. I hurry also, sweating a little as I run. A dog barks in the distance. Bad thing about trespassing, I know it from living in the country myself, if a strange person so much as drives down your road, you know it, kind of a disruption of some cosmic stastis that make your ears perk and your head turn.

Now the sweat is running good, off my face and down my back. Skeeters, in a cloud and probably picking up a few ticks. Seed ticks, thousands in unmentionable places, I'll need the wife's help for sure. The vines in the bottom land are thick and I got to be careful. Dog is still barking and I hear a four wheeler.

I continue to run like a big cat squirrel through the switch cane, banks of the creek are steep, new in geologic time, carry big water, down at the bottom, sand piled at the bends, rocky bottom in the runs where East Texas Indians, naked like me sifted for the best stones to make arrow heads all the while saving the pretty ones for the kids. I don't have that kind of time.

The four wheelers, mules what ever they are called are coming, two of them sounds like. I can see their pilots, red faced men in jeans or overalls, jaws and lips stuffed with snuff and tobacco, maybe both at the same time, their lunch of corn bread and peas interpreted by some strange business they don't know what exactly yet. I can see how serious they are going to look when they see me. They will try to act like they deal with this kind of thing all the time.

The dogs are here now, the men will be soon. I got to stop, out of breath, hot, thirsty and dizzy from exertion, I'm bad out of shape from sitting and studying so much. Feet cut, bleeding, stepped on lots of stickers I notice. I need to do this more often, not exactly this, but run, wearing clothes next time. I start preparing to neogociate, it will take some slick talking to let me ride naked beside that guy in the mule back to my car. The Baptist have everyone in these parts broke back spooked by now anyway.

See I told you I needed a break.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ongoing Activities...

Well it's another test week, started good yesterday with 100 on a Spanish exam. That might be the only class I make an A in this semester. You know what a "c" means don't you? It means "see" Carl the Physical Therapist Assistant for your treatment...

Two more test to go.

You may have visited one of the questionable links I posted here recently. Seems that after that visit I have suddenly begun receiving emails with stock buying tips, offers for cheap rolexes and products that enlarge. Those foreign web masters are not like us here at the older you will get... We assume that you have stock. We figure that you wear a rolex. From the pictures you send we know you are large. The internet is free, they are not like us giving away bass boats and cars.

By the way, the winners so far have asked that we keep their names anonymous. I think to avoid tax problems and stuff. I'm game, what you do is on you head.

Hey that's good advice! Remember you got it here free.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Came home to find...

After attending church Saturday night I got home to find this.

My first thought was that I had become the target of some weird Mafioso/Cajun cult that had tracked me down and it was now payback time for that time I did the funky monkey at the Mariuceville Crawfish Festival. Those Cajuns have long memories.

Examination of security cameras placed on the premises just for occasions such as this reveled the truth.

It was Morgan and one his buddies. They had caught a couple of Alligator Gar. Here is Casey with one also.

The adventures these two had capturing these gars made me want to do the same thing myself. I have had my day with this type thing and that reminds me of the philosophy of this blog, theolderyouwillget, which could have easily been ineverwanttobeyoungagain.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

That bigfoot in yesterdays pictures...

Seems to have come into contact with poison ivy during its climb through the treetops.

You ever had to rub a bigfoot with calimine loation?
"...I know I've seen that face before," Big Jim was thinking to himself "Maybe down in Mexico or a picture up on somebody's shelf..."Bob Dylan from "Lilly Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
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